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Tuesday, 18 December 2007
Topic: - Dr Sheikh

TIDAK perlu diperkenalkan lagi, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha, 35, kini cukup dikenali di negara ini. Setiap peringkat rakyat melihat angkasawan pertama Malaysia sebagai kebanggaan negara. Pemergiannya ke Stesen Angkasa Lepas Antarabangsa (ISS) menaiki Soyuz TMA-II pada 10 Oktober lalu juga mendapat perhatian antarabangsa. Media Barat turut melaporkan mengenai isu cara angkasawan Islam beribadat di angkasa lepas. Bergelar angkasawan, beliau kini giat mempromosi di kalangan pelajar supaya meminati bidang sains dan teknologi. Ikuti pandangan Dr Sheikh Muszaphar mengenai pelbagai perkara, pengalamannya di ISS hingga cita-cita barunya menjadi juruterbang.

ZS: Bolehkah program angkasa lepas negara dan anda sendiri sebagai angkasawan menarik minat generasi muda, terutama pelajar untuk meminati sains dan teknologi?

DSMS: Saya berpendapat program angkasa lepas negara memberi kesan yang besar kepada rakyat Malaysia, terutama pelajar dan kanak-kanak.

Ramai kanak-kanak memberitahu saya bahawa mereka kini meminati bidang sains dan teknologi. Malah kanak-kanak berumur lima tahun melahirkan minat mereka untuk menjadi seorang angkasawan.

Ini suatu kesan yang besar dan memudahkan Kementerian Sains, Teknologi dan Inovasi (Mosti) dan negara menggalakkan lebih ramai generasi muda untuk mendalami bidang sains dan teknologi, sekali gus dapat melahirkan lebih ramai ahli sains dalam pelbagai bidang untuk memajukan industri angkasa lepas.

Saya kini bertugas untuk Mosti dan kami membuat banyak program di sekolah dan universiti yang membolehkan saya berkongsi pengalaman ketika di angkasa lepas. Saya rasa ini cara yang baik untuk menyuntik semangat kepada mereka supaya belajar bersungguh-sungguh dan lebih mendalami bidang sains.

Itu tanggungjawab saya sebagai seorang angkasawan, tetapi saya rasa lebih banyak boleh dilakukan untuk menarik minat pelajar terhadap bidang sains, terutama melalui usaha Kementerian Pelajaran.

Saya harap Kementerian Pelajaran dan sekolah dapat mendedahkan bidang astronomi kepada pelajar di peringkat lebih awal seperti Tahun Satu atau Dua di sekolah rendah. Selain itu, lebih banyak kelab astronomi perlu ditubuhkan.

Saya melihat Malaysia sekarang berada dalam era bar u. Ini tanda yang bagus seperti Yuri Gagarin menaikkan semangat rakyat Russia dan Neil Amstrong melakukan perkara yang sama di Amerika Syarikat. Menghantar angkasawan ke angkasa lepas adalah antara cara yang baik untuk membuka minda rakyat dan pelajar untuk lebih meminati sains.

ZS: Bagaimana dengan maklum balas yang diterima sepanjang program di sekolah dan universiti.

DSMS: Memang hebat dan menggalakkan. Ramai yang datang menemui saya untuk mengetahui pengalaman saya dengan lebih mendalam. Di Pameran Maritim dan Aeroangkasa Antarabangsa Langkawi 2007 (Lima 2007) baru-baru ini, beratus-ratus kanak-kanak berjumpa saya untuk mengetahui program angkasa lepas.

ZS: Masih ramai yang tidak jemu mendengar pengalaman di angkasa lepas. Penilaian anda sepanjang di sana?

DSMS: Pengalaman di angkasa lepas walaupun hanya 12 hari sesuatu yang ajaib dan menyeronokkan. Saya takjub melihat kebesaran Allah dan sepanjang masa mengendalikan eksperimen untuk universiti tempatan.

Pengalaman itu sesuatu yang hebat dan saya berjanji kepada rakyat Malaysia bahawa saya akan berkongsi pengalaman itu. Setiap hari ketika berada di angkasa lepas, walaupun sibuk, saya memastikan menulis setiap detik pengalaman di ISS. Saya berharap dapat menulis buku untuk berkongsi pengalaman itu.

ZS: Sekarang masih dalam proses penulisan?

DSMS: Ya! Kemungkinan pertengahan tahun depan buku itu akan diterbitkan. Sebenarnya saya sekarang sedang menerbitkan buku tulisan adik saya, Ajil (Allahyarham Sheikh Mustaffa Al Masrie). Apabila saya kembali, dia telah menulis sebuah buku mengenai diri saya, My Journey to Space, adalah suatu penghormatan kepada adik saya. Saya ingin menubuhkan tabung untuk anaknya.

Oleh itu pada Februari depan, saya akan menerbitkan buku Ajil terlebih dulu mengenai perspektifnya terhadap saya sejak kecil hingga dewasa. Memang dia sudah menulis. Semuanya sudah siap dan hanya menunggu untuk diterbitkan.

ZS: Pengalaman paling hebat ketika berada di angkasa lepas?

DSMS: Sudah pasti melihat bumi. Apabila melihat bumi dari angkasa lepas buat kali pertama, saya berasa sungguh takjub terhadap kebesaran Allah. Itu adalah saat paling manis bagi saya. Kehidupan di ISS juga sangat baik dan begitu juga kerjasama krew ISS dari Amerika Syarikat dan Russia. Kehidupan dalam ISS adalah suatu tempat tanpa mengenal negara.

Kami bekerjasama demi kebaikan manusia serta mendapatkan hasil eksperimen yang mendalam untuk kebaikan sains dan teknologi.

ZS: Tidak menghadapi sebarang masalah?

DSMS: Saya seronok di angkasa lepas dan tidak menghadapi masalah langsung. Tiada kesan sampingan, rasa pening atau masalah lain. Saya bersyukur dan berasa ini hasil pertolongan rakyat Malaysia yang sentiasa berdoa untuk kejayaan angkasawan negara. Saya berasa seolah-olah saya dilahirkan di angkasa lepas. Saya sangat sesuai di angkasa lepas. Saya berharap dapat tinggal lebih lama... kalau boleh hingga enam bulan.

ZS: Dilaporkan pengalaman mendarat di bumi lebih mendebarkan, berbanding ketika berada di angkasa lepas?

DSMS: Saya menghadapi penurunan balistik yang jarang berlaku. Cuma dua kali terjadi membabitkan program angkasa lepas Russia sejak 1961. Kami terbabas sejauh 600 kilometer dari tempat asal.

Bagaimanapun, ini suatu pengalaman yang menarik kepada saya kerana kami berpusing-pusing dan terhumban dalam kapsul apabila memasuki atmosfera. Kami juga menanggung tekanan graviti atau tekanan terhadap dada hingga 9G. Saya tidak dapat bernafas, tetapi berjaya diatasi kerana dilatih bernafas menggunakan abdomen.

Segala-galanya berlaku dengan pantas. Ketika itu, saya lebih mementingkan bahan eksperimen yang berada dalam kapsul Soyuz. Ya Allah! Saya sudah menghabiskan banyak masa untuk penyelidikan dan kerajaan juga sudah banyak berbelanja untuk eksperimen. Itu saja dalam pemikiran saya. Alhamdulillah, saya diberitahu bahawa semuanya selamat dan berjaya.

ZS: Walaupun bukan angkasawan Islam pertama ke angkasa lepas, pemergian angkasawan negara lebih banyak diperkatakan, terutama yang membabitkan aspek keislaman seperti cara beribadat. Bagaimana anda melihat perspektif ini sebagai angkasawan Islam?

DSMS: Memang saya bukan angkasawan Islam pertama, tetapi adalah orang pertama pergi ketika Ramadan. Saya sempat berpuasa dan menunaikan solat di angkasa lepas. Jakim (Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia) juga buat kali pertama menerbitkan sebuah buku panduan mengenai cara beribadat di angkasa lepas.

Tidak dapat dinafikan bahawa perkara ini menarik perhatian negara Islam seluruh dunia. Saya juga merekodkan video dan gambar mengenai cara melakukan solat dan berpuasa di angkasa lepas untuk dijadikan teladan dan contoh kepada angkasawan Islam lain yang hendak ke angkasa lepas.

Ini perkara yang baik kerana secara peribadi, Islam adalah suatu yang mudah. Walaupun kita berada di dunia atau di mana-mana saja, termasuk angkasa lepas, kita tidak harus melupakan tanggungjawab sebagai orang Islam. Amat penting bagi saya menunaikan tanggungjawab ini dan menunjukkan kepada umat Islam bahawa Islam suatu cara hidup.

Saya berharap berkongsi dengan umat Islam seluruh dunia. Berikutan itu, saya dijemput memberikan ceramah untuk berkongsi pengalaman dengan rakyat di negara Asia Barat melalui program anjuran pelbagai pertubuhan Islam. Saya berharap menjalankan tanggungjawab saya sebagai orang Islam dan mewakili Malaysia sebagai sebuah negara Islam.

ZS: Jika berpuasa di bumi mudah berasa lapar, adakah keadaan yang sama dialami ketika di angkasa lepas?

DSMS: Seolah-olah tidak terasa seperti berpuasa langsung. Walaupun tempoh masa berpuasa lebih kurang sama, iaitu antara jam 5 pagi hingga 7 malam dengan mengikut waktu Kazakhstan, saya berasa begitu berbeza apabila berpuasa di angkasa lepas. Saya rasa begitu tenang dan secara kerohanian begitu rapat dengan Allah.

Walaupun saya hanya berpuasa dua hari, saya tidak berasa lapar. Kalau di bumi, kadang-kadang kita berasa hendak makan dan minum, tetapi ini tidak berlaku di sana.

ZS: Bagaimana pula beribadat di angkasa lepas?

DSMS: Cara beribadat boleh dikatakan mudah kerana panduan ditetapkan. Saya melakukan solat mengikut waktu Kazakhstan. Walaupun setiap 45 minit matahari naik dan turun serta jika mengikut matahari terbit, saya perlu melakukan solat 80 kali, tetapi mengikut Jakim, solat adalah lima kali sehari mengikut waktu Kazakhstan.

Melakukan tayammum dan solat juga mudah. Cuma kaki perlu diikat supaya tubuh tidak terapung-apung. Saya bersolat dalam keadaan berdiri dan kadang-kadang duduk apabila keadaan terdesak. Kadang-kadang terpaksa bersolat dalam keadaan yang sempit. Bagaimanapun bagi saya, ini tidak menjadi masalah kerana agak mudah sama seperti di bumi.

ZS: Apa pula reaksi anggota lain dalam ISS. Adakah timbul perasaan ingin tahu apabila melihat anda bersolat?

DSMS: Mereka menghormati Islam. Di ISS, tidak kira sama ada Kristian atau Islam, kita mempunyai tanggungjawab masing-masing untuk menjalankan ibadat. Mereka menghormati waktu saya melakukan solat. Sudah tentu mereka bertanya mengenai Islam dan saya banyak berkongsi mengenai Islam.

ZS: Anda kini dikenali oleh setiap rakyat Malaysia. Dijemput ke seluruh negara, memberikan ceramah dan menghadiri pelbagai majlis. Bagaimana menyesuaikan diri dengan perubahan yang berlaku?

DSMS: Sebenarnya apabila dipilih sebagai angkasawan pertama negara, saya tahu ini akan berlaku. Segala perkara mengenai kehidupan saya ingin diketahui umum. Saya menerima tanggungjawab ini dengan baik dan bersyukur kerana diberi mandat berkongsi dengan rakyat Malaysia.

Walaupun kadang-kadang media massa ingin mengetahui kehidupan peribadi, saya berharap mereka akan lebih memfokuskan terhadap eksperimen dan pengalaman di angkasa lepas. Walaupun kadang-kadang tidak dapat dielakkan keseluruhan, bagi diri saya, jika dapat memberikan kegembiraan walaupun kepada seorang rakyat Malaysia, saya akan gembira.

Saya gembira dengan apa dilakukan dan akan terus menerus berkongsi pengalaman kepada setiap insan di negara ini, tanpa mengira kaum dan agama. Saya akan meneruskan tanggungjawab sepanjang hayat.

ZS: Ada terasa seperti menjadi seorang selebriti apabila mendapat tumpuan ramai?

DSMS: Bagi diri saya, ini bukan mengenai kemasyhuran dan pujian. Saya tidak kisah semua itu. Saya mahu menjalankan tugas sebagai angkasawan untuk menukar minda rakyat Malaysia. Itu adalah matlamat saya. Saya benar-benar mahu berjumpa pelajar dan memberitahu mereka supaya yakin kepada diri sendiri.

Jika saya boleh melakukannya, mereka juga boleh kerana saya bukan seorang yang istimewa. Saya sama seperti mereka. Saya cuma seorang doktor di HUKM (Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia) dan yang penting ialah kekuatan mental. Kita perlu yakin terhadap kekuatan minda. Saya hendak menanamkan semangat di kalangan pelajar bahawa apabila mereka ingin melakukan sesuatu, mereka mampu melakukannya.

Impian saya menjadi kenyataan selepas 25 tahun. Saya ingin sampaikan kepada mereka supaya simpan impian itu dan insya-Allah, pada bila-bila masa ia akan menjadi kenyataan.

ZS: Apabila berada di tempat awam seperti berjalan-jalan, adakah masa untuk bersendirian (privacy) hilang?

DSMS: Memang sudah tiada lagi. Di mana-mana saya pergi, memang ramai akan berjumpa, bersalam dan mengambil gambar. Saya tahu itu tanggungjawab saya kepada masyarakat dan saya tidak ada masalah. Saya akan menjalankan tugas walaupun di mana saya berada. Walaupun privacy sudah tiada, saya rasa perkara itu harus diterima.

ZS: Sedikit pun tidak berasa terganggu?

DSMS: Tidak... tidak. Saya tidak melihat ini sebagai masalah berjumpa rakyat Malaysia kerana ini yang saya mahu. Saya mahu melakukan perubahan bukan saja di Malaysia, tetapi dunia. Saya mahu suara saya didengar untuk menukar minda rakyat. Antara caranya ialah berjumpa mereka.

ZS: Bila sebenarnya bermula impian menjadi angkasawan?

DSMS: Saya berminat sejak berusia 10 tahun. Saya ingat lagi, saya suka melihat langit dan mengetahui mengenai angkasa lepas. Saya tahu bahawa ketika itu, Malaysia memang baru dalam program angkasa lepas. Bagaimanapun, saya pendam dalam diri dan saya mengambil bidang kedoktoran kerana ia lebih rapat dalam bidang sains.

Bagaimanapun apabila ditawarkan pada 2003, dalam hati saya tahu ini adalah takdir saya dan terus memohon dan Alhamdulillah hingga mencapai tahap menjadi angkasawan Malaysia.

ZS: Ketika mula menghantar borang menjadi angkasawan, adakah pernah terfikir akan pergi sejauh ini?

DSMS: Ketika saya mengisi borang pada 2003, saya tahu bahawa saya akan pergi jauh. Saya tahu bahawa saya akan pergi hingga tahap 10 calon terakhir. Tiga adik-beradik saya juga memasuki program ini dan mereka berjaya ke tahap 59 orang terakhir.

Bagaimanapun, saya tidak sangka akan dipilih sebagai angkasawan pertama negara. Jika hendak menyatakan pergi jauh, saya yakin kepada diri saya dan tahu saya mempunyai mental yang kuat. Apabila terpilih, itu adalah rezeki dan ketetapan Allah.

ZS: Seorang doktor perubatan, model sambilan, ahli perniagaan (mengusahakan Restoran Rebung di Bangsar) dan kini seorang angkasawan. Semua bidang ini amat kontras atau tidak mempunyai kaitan langsung. Mengapa?

DSMS: Pertama, saya suka mempelbagaikan. Saya tidak suka membabitkan diri dalam satu bidang. Saya rasa dengan cara itu, saya dapat melihat betapa jauh saya boleh pergi. Saya tidak suka duduk dalam zon selesa. Saya suka mengambil risiko dan mencuba apa juga bidang yang berbeza.

Ini menyebabkan saya menggalakkan semua rakyat di luar menceburi apa juga bidang yang mereka minati. Saya selalunya selepas berjaya dalam satu bidang akan bertukar ke bidang lain dan mencuba bidang itu. Kalau saya berjaya, Alhamdulillah, saya akan mencuba bidang lain, saya akan tengok berapa jauh saya boleh pergi.

Saya ingin menjadi seorang juruterbang dalam tempoh lima tahun dari sekarang. Itu antara sasaran saya. Memang benar, ia jauh berbeza. Saya rasa setiap peluang tidak harus dilepaskan. Saya akan cuba hingga berjaya dalam bidang itu.

Bidang model pun saya berminat kerana dapat berjumpa dengan orang yang berbeza. Maknanya bukan saja yang berfikiran kedoktoran atau sains. Di restoran, saya suka berjumpa dan melayan orang. Sudah tentu saya juga suka makan. Banyak perkara yang saya ingin lakukan.

ZS: Apakah perancangan selepas ini?

DSMS: Memang banyak. Pertama sekali, saya ingin memberi semangat kepada semua rakyat di seluruh Malaysia, terutama di kawasan pedalaman, Sabah dan Sarawak. Saya juga ingin memfokuskan kepada MRSM (Maktab Rendah Sains Mara) kerana saya bekas pelajar MRSM Muar.

Saya masih dalam bidang ortopedik dan seorang pensyarah UKM. Saya harap kembali ke UKM serta meneruskan tugas merawat, berjumpa pesakit di wad dan melakukan pembedahan. Itu memang minat saya.

Saya juga berharap bertugas dengan Angkasa (Agensi Angkasa Negara) dan MOSTI mempromosi program angkasa lepas. Saya berharap menggunakan pengalaman yang saya ada, teknologi yang saya pelajari di Russia untuk berkongsi pengalaman dan memajukan industri angkasa lepas supaya pada suatu hari, Malaysia dapat melancarkan kapal angkasa sendiri.

Saya juga berminat meneruskan latihan sebagai seorang angkasawan dan kembali ke ISS selama enam bulan atau pergi ke planet Marikh. Saya rasa ada perancangan untuk menghantar kami berdua (Mejar Dr Faiz Khaleed) untuk meneruskan latihan sebagai angkasawan aktif. Maknanya bukan setakat ini, saya sudah menjadi angkasawan dan berhenti setakat itu saja


Sumber: Berita Harian Online

Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM WST
Thursday, 6 December 2007
Topic: - Dr Sheikh

LANGKAWI: Malaysia's first astronaut Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha will not be giving up his job as an orthopaedic surgeon despite his newly acquired status as an astronaut.

On the contrary, he said, he would carry out his duties simultaneously — as a space speaker and researcher, and orthopaedic surgeon and lecturer.

"I will not give up my job as an orthopaedic surgeon although I have a duty as an astronaut," he told Bernama here yesterday.

Dr Muszaphar, 35, is manning the Astronaut Gallery at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MOSTI) booth at the Langkawi International Maritime and Aerospace (LIMA) 2007 exhibition which began here yesterday.

He created history when he blasted off to the International Space Station (ISS) from the Baikonur Cosmodrome, Kazakhstan in Russia's Soyuz TMA-11 on Nov 10 and came back to earth 11 days later.

Dr Muszaphar said he was now under a one-year contract with MOSTI until the end of 2008, after which he would return to his job at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) as an orthopaedic surgeon and lecturer.

He, however, also hoped to lead a space research team.

"I want to conduct an international-level study for the benefit of mankind when I go back to UKM and to forge cooperation with space researchers from throughout the world."

"Right now I'm eager to start my duty as MOSTI speaker in January next year to share my space experience with university and school students. I wish it will begin sooner," he said.

He revealed that former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad who visited the Astronaut Gallery for 15 minutes, had also asked him about his plan.

"Dr Mahathir and his wife (Tun Dr Siti Hasmah Mohd Ali) hoped that I would help Malaysians through the talks organised by MOSTI," he said, adding that the former prime minister asked him to be diligent in his work, look after himself and safeguard the name of the country.

"Dr Mahathir said he was proud of me and hoped I would be able to change the people’s mindset now that the country has its own astronauts," he said.

Dr Muszaphar said Yang di-Pertuan Agong Tuanku Mizan Zainal Abidin and Raja Permaisuri Agong Tuanku Nur Zahirah also visited the Astronaut Gallery.

"The King asked me to safeguard the good name of the country, and to continue to contribute to the religion, people and country. He was also proud of my achievement as an astronaut," said Dr Muszaphar who urged the people to visit LIMA 2007 to know about developments in the country's space programme.


Source: Borneo Post Online

Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM WST
Tuesday, 6 November 2007
Topic: - Dr Sheikh

KUALA LUMPUR: Angkasawan Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor plans to end his bachelorhood by 2009. 

While declaring that he would want to get married by then, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar did not say if he had any girlfriend or was seeing anyone special at the moment. 

He merely smiled when the question was posed to him twice by reporters at the Parliament Lobby yesterday when he met MPs and attended the luncheon hosted by the Backbenchers Club. 

Earlier, he said: "I am already 35, going on 36 and hope to be married by 2009."

Dr Sheikh Muszaphar wants to end a two-year contract that he signed with the Government which requires him to remain single so that he could concentrate on the space programme. 

Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Datuk Seri Dr Jamaludin Jarjis had said in his speech that Dr Sheikh Muszaphar wanted to end the contract earlier now that he had completed the space mission. 

"We signed the contract with him last year and he has one more year to go," he said. 

Dr Jamaludin also said that the second Angkasawan Dr Faiz Khaleed, who was scheduled to go to space by 2011, would have to extend the contract requiring him to remain single. 

Dr Faiz probably would have to extend it by another two years, said Dr Jamaludin.  

He also revealed that Russia has offered to sell the Soyuz spacecraft, which carried Dr Sheikh Muszaphar to space, to Malaysia. 

Dr Jamaludin said he was in the midst of gathering feedback from people on whether the spacecraft should be bought before presenting the proposal to the Cabinet. 

He told the MPs to support the proposal and discuss the issue in the Dewan Rakyat. 

"I would gather feedback first to see whether the people are for it and whether the price offered is good before making any proposal to the Cabinet," he said. 

Dr Jamaludin said the purpose of doing so would be to sustain the interest of the younger generation in space for a longer time by enabling children to have a chance to take a look at the spaceship. 

Also present at the event were two scientists from the ministry, Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Datuk Seri Mohamed Nazri Abd Aziz and Natural Resources and Environment Minister Datuk Seri Azmi Khalid, as well as the Speaker Tan Sri Ramli Ngah Talib. 

Opposition MPs Teresa Kok (DAP - Seputeh) and Ismail Noh (PAS - Pasir Mas) were also present. 

Dr Sheikh Muszaphar cut a cake, signed a plaque, answered questions raised by MPs, signed autographs and also posed for photos with the MPs and Parliament staff members.  

Dr Jamaludin also said that a foundation would be set up for the space programme and some private sector firms had offered to support it. 

The foundation would also take care of the welfare of the two Angkasawan who were regarded as national treasures, he said.


Source: The Star Online

Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM WST
Topic: - Dr Sheikh

Malaysia's first astronaut Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor has requested his 2-year contract with the government be shortened, not because he has lost interest in the space program but to get married, local press reported on Tuesday.

At a gathering to honor him in parliament here on Monday, the 35-year-old bachelor said he had conveyed the request to Science, Technology and Innovation Minister Jamaludin Jarjis.

The 2-year contract, which was also signed by fellow astronaut Faiz Khaleed, ends next year, the New Straits Times reported.

"I'm already 35 and ready to get married. I hope to settle down by 2009," said Sheikh Muszaphar.

However, he declined to say whether he had already found a partner.

With a smile, he said he wanted to keep his personal life private.


Source: People's Daily Online

Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM WST
Monday, 29 October 2007
Topic: - Dr Sheikh

KUALA LUMPUR: A grand welcome-home ceremony planned for Malaysia's first astronaut has been delayed after the sudden death of his brother, an official said Monday.

Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, who captured the imagination of the nation when he became the first Malaysian to blast into space on October 10 on board the Russian Soyuz-FG rocket, returned home on Sunday slightly ahead of schedule to attend his younger brother's funeral.

Instead of a hero's welcome which was originally planned by the government, slightly more than 100 family, friends and well-wishers gathered at the Kuala Lumpur International Airport to welcome him home, the Star daily said Monday.

The 35-year old Sheikh Muszaphar was doubly sorrowed that he had missed the funeral following a flight delay from Russia, the report said.

His brother, 32-year-old Sheikh Mustafa, died Saturday after being in a coma for several days following a freak accident where he had been hit by a falling object.

A spokesman with the National Space Agency said an official welcome-home ceremony would still be organised on Wednesday, but would be scaled down as a sign of respect for the family's loss.

He said details of the ceremony have not been finalised.

Reports have said Sheikh Muszaphar will be leaving Kuala Lumpur early next week, as he is due to attend an inauguration ceremony in Moscow on November 9.

Sheikh Muszaphar was shortlisted from more than 10,000 hopeful candidates during a nationwide search beginning in 2003, to become the country's first astronaut.

Following months of training in Russia, he blasted off into space with two other cosmonauts to the International Space Station, watched by millions of Malaysians from their television set.


Source: News @ Monstersandcritics.com

Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM JST
Thursday, 25 October 2007
Topic: - Dr Sheikh

KUALA LUMPUR: Malaysia's first angkasawan Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha said he now felt free after having successfully fullfiled the huge responsibilities entrusted on him.

"I realised it was a huge responsibility for me and I am very grateful for having performed it well," he said in the interview from the post-space mission quarantine centre in Star City, Moscow.

He blasted off into space with a Russian cosmonaut and an American astronaut from Baikonur, Kazakhstan, for the ISS on Oct 10 and returned to Earth on Sunday.

Dr Muszaphar will be at the quarantine centre for between 10 days and two weeks for health monitoring before he can be allowed to come home.

He, however, is very grateful that throughout the space mission, he did not have any health problems and attributed his healthy condition to the Malaysians who prayed for him.

On the challenges facing him during the mission, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar said the biggest challenge was to carry out the experiments which had been entrusted on him.

"I realised the experiments like the one of Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia was crucial because the scientists had worked very hard for two years on it ... and I did the best possible," he added.

Dr Muszaphar also said he took the space mission seriously and not for fun.

"It was not for fun or merely to travel to space. To me, it was crucial to show the whole world that we, Malaysians, are capable of doing things like this," he said.

He said that he also felt elated and proud to be given the trust by the European Space Agency (ESA) to repair its equipment at the ISS.

"It was indeed a great honour that the ESA placed its trust in a Malaysian angkasawan to do the job," said the orthopaedic surgeon.

In the interview, Dr Muszaphar was also asked on Nasa not recognising him as an Angkasawan but only as a space flight participant.

"To me, regardless whether Nasa called me a space flight participant or by any other name, what is important is that I'm recognised as an Angkasawan by all Malaysians."

"Likewise the Russians, they recognised me as a Cosmonaut Researcher. This is important because I did the training with them and only they know what we (he and Kapt Dr Faiz Khaleed (Malaysia's back up angkasawan)) went through and how serious we were to accomplish the mission," he said.

He, however, said that the training they went through was different than the one required by space tourists, whose training was only for six months.

"Perhaps, I should also prove to them (Nasa) that I am capable of doing the best. Hopefully, after this I will get to go to space longer, perhaps six months and be given the opportunity to work with Nasa and to prove to them that we are as good their astronauts," he said.

Meanwhile, recalling the experience during landing in the Soyuz TMA-10 capsule, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar said he felt difficulty breathing and his chest felt like an elephant stepping on it.

"It felt like an elephant stepping on your chest... it pressed on your chest so hard that you felt like you were not able to breathe and uncomfortable. But we had been taught to breathe through our abdomen and release the air through the chest, the training saved us," he added.

During the interview, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar also took the opportunity to thank all Malaysians for their prayers and hoped Malaysia would produce more angkasawan and scientists in future.

He also hoped that Malaysia would make further inroads in aerospace development and produce its own rocket for a space mission.


Source: Daily Express Internet Edition

Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM JST
Wednesday, 24 October 2007
Topic: - Dr Sheikh


Malaysian astronaut Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor poses after a press conference in Star City, outside Moscow. Malaysia's first ever astronaut is already thinking of a return trip to space, two days after the end of his historic mission to the International Space Station (ISS). - AFP

Malaysia's first ever astronaut is already thinking of a return trip to space, two days after the end of his historic mission to the International Space Station (ISS).

"It was too short, only 12 days. I dream of staying much longer," Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor told journalists Tuesday on his return to Moscow from the landing site in Kazakhstan.

"I hope to come back and be fit for a six month" trip, he said during the briefing at the Star City space training centre on the outskirts of the Russian capital. "Who knows I might be the commander of the ISS one day."

A 35-year-old doctor and part-time model, Muszaphar returned to Earth with two Russian cosmonauts on Sunday.

The three touched down safely in Kazakhstan but 200 kilometres (120 miles) off-target in a rare and unexplained 'ballistic landing' by the Soyuz craft.

"It was very hot. We were turning upside down. It was going very fast but I feel very good now," he said.

"I feel great and I don't have any defect whatsoever."

Muszaphar was chosen from thousands of hopefuls in a nationwide competition that generated tremendous excitement in Malaysia.

The Malaysian government has until the end of 2009 to decide if it wants to accept an offer from the Russian Space Agency for another Malaysian to journey to the ISS in late 2010 or early 2011, Deputy Prime Minister Najib Razak was quoted as saying on Monday.

Malaysian leaders see the space flight as a milestone for the country which is marking a half-century of independence from British colonial rule.

"I do hope to be the Malaysian Gagarin, to inspire all the Malaysian people, especially the school children and the younger generation," Muszaphar said in a reference to Russia's Yury Gagarin, the first man in space.

The Malaysian astronaut trained for over a year at Star City before he left for the mission on October 10 with American Peggy Whitson, the new commander on the ISS, and a Russian Yury Malenchenko.

Muszaphar, a practising Muslim, celebrated the end of the holy month of Ramadan at the space station and carried out experiments for Malaysia's Genome Institute


Source: Today Online

Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM JST
Saturday, 20 October 2007
Topic: - Dr Sheikh

Those who criticise the national space project should look at the larger picture and take note of the proven benefits such missions have brought to other countries. 

Angkasawan Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor said cynics who said the programme was not worthwhile were wrong. 

"They should look at the various benefits space programmes have produced for the medical and scientific fields as well as spin-offs which benefited the world," said Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, adding that Malaysia's space venture would also place it in the same ranking as other developed countries in terms of science. 

He said this to a question posed to him through Prof A. Rahman A. Jamal, who heads the scientific team, which had been communicating with him from the Mission Control Centre in Moscow. 

Dr Sheikh Muszaphar is also a little reluctant to return to Earth tomorrow, saying that his space trip had been one "terrific" experience. 

"I would like to stay as long as possible. I think I am born for space," said Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, who, so far, had not experienced any negative health effects. 

Adapting well to space conditions has also allowed him to conduct the scientific experiments smoothly. 

The cheerful Angkasawan said he was truly enjoying his short stint on the International Space Station and was grateful for the opportunity. 

National Angkasawan Programme director Kol Dr Zulkeffeli Mat Jusoh, who is Dr Sheikh Muszaphar's mission flight surgeon, and National Angkasawan Programme technical committee member Datuk Dr Mazlan Nordin will accompany the military rescue team when the cosmonauts arrive. 

Dr Zulkeffeli will be involved checking Dr Sheikh Muszaphar's health while Dr Mazlan will retrieve the experiment samples after the Russian experts extract them from the capsule.


Source: The Star Online

Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM JST
Wednesday, 17 October 2007
Topic: - Dr Sheikh

Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi (inset) videoconferencing with Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor at the International Space Station.
KUALA LUMPUR: The country's first man in space wants to see more Malaysians sharing a similar experience beyond the stars.

A beaming Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor told Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi that he hoped that Malaysia would have the capability to one day build its own rocket.

"This is a new era for Malaysians. I also hope my experience will encourage more Malaysian students to take up space technology."

Dr Muszaphar was speaking with Abdullah via videoconferencing at Astro last night.

"I want to wish you Selamat Hari Raya and also on behalf of my wife and the people of Malaysia as I couldn't do it the other day due to transmission problems," said Abdullah.

The 15-minute videoconferencing saw Abdullah posing a number of questions to Dr Muszaphar with regard to his health, conditions on space and his experiments.

"Now that you are in the space station, do you feel that the training received in Russia was adequate or would you have wished for additional training?" asked Abdullah.

Dr Muszaphar said it was his seventh day in space and that the training in Russia was a big help in making his mission a success.

Abdullah wanted to know the progress of his experiments and Dr Muszaphar said the experiments he was conducting at the International Space Station were on schedule, and that scientists in Moscow would also be helping him.

Among the experiments is to grow liver cancer and leukaemia cells in microgravity. He will also perform two experiments on microbes and protein crystallisation in space, from which the results could be used to develop industrial applications.

To Abdullah's question on his working relationship with the other astronauts, Dr Muszaphar said that the Russian and American crew members were helpful.

"They believe Malaysians can become professional angkasawan," he said during the the 15-minute chat with Abdullah.

Dr Muszaphar also thanked Malaysians and read the Rukun Negara.

He also spun a Merdeka anniversary trinket bearing the Malaysian flag in mid air, much to Abdullah's amusement.

"Thank you-lah for bringing those things with you to remind you of being a Malaysian," Abdullah said, laughing.

Abdullah's wife, Datin Seri Jeanne Abdullah, was also present, and asked after the spaceman's diet and he said he was eating well and was healthy.


Source: The New Straits Times Online

Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM JST
Tuesday, 16 October 2007
Topic: - Dr Sheikh

Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha is also entitled to be called a scientist.

KUALA LUMPUR: Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha is not only an astronaut but is also entitled to be called a scientist, a Malaysian scientist said Tuesday.

"He (Dr Sheikh Muszaphar) is called an astronaut because he has travelled into outer space but we must not forget that he is also a scientist because he is trained to conduct scientific research in space," said Tan Sri Dr Ahmad Zaharudin Idrus, former science advisor to Prime Minister Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi.

"Although Dr Sheikh Muszaphar is an orthopaedic surgeon, his knowledge as a scientist is beyond question," he told reporters here today.

Dr Ahmad Zaharudin, who was also science advisor to former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad, was confident that Dr Sheikh Muszaphar would not encounter any problems in carrying out his tasks -- conducting research into the crystallisation of protein and microbes or bacteria during his stay at the International Space Station (ISS).

Dr Ahmad Zaharudin, who is now the chairman of Malaysian Biotechnology Corporation Sdn Bhd, said Dr Sheikh Muszaphar would continue to conduct research once he is back on Earth.

He said that the data to be collected by Dr Sheikh Muszaphar from the experiments aboard the ISS was very important to research work carried out at six local universities including Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Universiti Teknologi MARA (UiTM).

They (experiments) were to explore new scientific frontiers and could be used as reference by other scientists, he said, adding that Malaysians should be proud that local scientists were at par with their foreign counterparts.

However, he hoped that Malaysian scientists would communicate more with those outside Malaysia by publishing their work in foreign journals.

Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, 35, blasted off into outer space on board a Soyuz TMA-11 spacecraft on Oct 10 together with American astronaut Peggy Whitson and Russian aerospace engineer Yuri Malenchenko from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan.

In doing so, he created history by becoming the first Malaysian to go into space.

The Soyuz TMA-11 docked with the ISS on Friday. Dr Sheikh Muszaphar is due to return to Earth on October 21


Source: Bernama.com

Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM JST
Thursday, 11 October 2007
Topic: - Dr Sheikh

Malaysia's first astronaut is orbiting the Earth after months of training and a successful launch from Kazakhstan. Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor is accompanying American Astronaut Peggy Whitson and Russian Cosmonaut Yury Malenchenko on a 12-day mission to the International Space Station. Chad Bouchard reports from Bangkok.

A Russian Soyuz TMA-11 spacecraft carrying Southeast Asia's first space traveler lifted off from Kazakhstan's Baikonur space center Wednesday night.

The spacecraft is scheduled to dock with the International Space Station on Friday.

Malaysian astronaut Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor gives the thumbs-up sign during a training session in Star City outside Moscow, 18 Sep 2007.

Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, a Malaysian orthopedic surgeon, is due to research the effects of micro-gravity and space radiation on cells, and conduct experiments on proteins in an effort to develop an HIV vaccine.

In an interview with VOA from Kazakhstan, Malaysia's Science, Technology and Innovations Minister, Jamaluddin Jarjis, says he hopes the mission will inspire a new generation of Malaysian scientists.

"Putting our man, our Malaysian man in space, is basically - we want to raise the bar for Malaysia in terms of acquiring knowledge for the future, especially the young ones, the five million kids in school," he said. "And also we are quite proud, because in conjunction with our 50th anniversary of the nation, that we are positioning ourselves as part the - connected to the world."

Muszaphar is a member of Malaysia's Malay ethnic group, and much advance study and debate went into deciding how he would honor his Muslim religious duties while in space.

The Muslim requirement to face in the direction of Mecca during daily prayers, for example, is a challenging prospect while orbiting hundreds of miles above the earth in a weightless environment. An imaginary line from Mecca into space was drawn, and it was decided that Muszaphar would face that line at the start of his prayers, and continue facing the same direction throughout the flight.

He also pledged to follow religious practice during the last days of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan, which coincide with the beginning of the mission.

Malaysian clerics exempted Muszaphar from fasting while in space, but he says he will observe the fasts anyway.

The country's Ministry of Religion has written the world's first handbook for Muslim astronauts to sort out that and other religious issues.


Malaysia paid Russia $25 million to allow Muszaphar's participation, part of a $900 million package linked to Malaysia's purchase of 18 Russian fighter jets.

The 35-year-old surgeon is scheduled to return to Earth October 21, while his two companions remain behind in the space station.


Source: Voice of America (VOA) News Online

Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM JST
Topic: - Dr Sheikh

BAIKONUR (KAZAKHSTAN): Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor's childhood dream came true when he blasted off into space, but his hope, before leaving Earth, was that he would be just the first of many more Malaysian Angkasawan to come.  

"I've dreamt of this since I was 10 years old, and now I am living the dream of all Malaysians," he said, just hours before launching into space at 9.22pm (Malaysian time) yesterday.  

The dashing cosmonaut hopes his "impossible dream", once it comes true, will make young boys and girls believe they can reach for the stars.  

"I want to inspire them as the first Malaysian in space, just like Yuri Gagarin (the first man in space) and Neil Armstrong (first man on the moon) still inspire many today."  

"I hope to make them believe in their capabilities and get them interested in science, mathematics and engineering."  

"Hopefully after me, there will be more Angkasawan in the future," he said. 

Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor smiling from inside the spacecraft minutes after the launch on Wednesday.

The orthopaedic surgeon, however, admits he expected to be the chosen one.  

"To be honest I was not really surprised because I worked hard, was focused and motivated. I sacrificed everything – my life, surgery, business, my loved ones and modelling," he said. 

Dr Sheikh Muszaphar, however, believes that his trip to space is secondary to what he will learn and bring back from the experience.  

"More important is what I can contribute to Malaysia, such as the technologies I learned from Russia that I hope to share with our scientists."  

"I hope Malaysia will rally to enter a new era and one day, we'll have our own space rocket and become a leader in the aerospace arena," he said.  

On a personal level, he looks forward to the life-changing experience in space, including gaining new spiritual experience in the skies.  

"I want to share my experience of fasting and praying in space with Malaysians and all Muslims. I think space will change my life perception," he said.  

Fully trained and prepared, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar was calm and ready the night before his big day. 

He spent his time reading the Quran and conducting sembahyang hajat, and calling his family and loved one.  

He wants to succeed in his mission so as not to let down the scientists who had spent three years preparing for the experiments he will conduct.


Source: The Star Online

Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM JST
Monday, 23 July 2007
Topic: - Dr Sheikh

Malaysian astronaut candidate Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor climbs out of a space capsule during training outside the Crimean Black Sea city of Sevastopol July 19, 2007. - REUTERS/Stringer
HOUSTON (Reuters): Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor, set to become the first Malaysian to fly into space, said on Monday his goal for the October flight is a lofty one - to inspire his country to greater things.

The 34-year-old physician will fly to the International Space Station aboard a Soyuz spacecraft in a deal his government arranged with the Russians as part of a $1 billion purchase of Russian fighter jets.

On the Soyuz with him will be Russian cosmonaut Yuri Malenchenko and U.S. astronaut Peggy Whitson, who will take over as the first female commander of the station.

Shukor will be the latest space tourist to fly to the $100 billion station. He said at a news conference at NASA's Johnson Space Center he plans to spend his time in space conducting experiments and hopefully capturing the attention of his fellow Malaysians in the process.

He said he wants his voyage to inspire an interest in math and science among the young, and thereby help improve Malaysia's future.

"Being the first Malaysian angkasawan (astronaut) has been a big responsibility on my shoulders," Shukor said. "Hopefully the space program, it will change the entire nation to look forward to become a better developed nation."

Shukor was selected from among 11,000 candidates in what he described as "a very tiring process."

Since then, he has been training with astronauts and cosmonauts, who on Monday said he appears to have the right stuff for spaceflight.

"He has extensive knowledge and he has the right quality of character for doing this operation. I expect that everything should be okay," Malenchenko said through an interpreter.

Whitson will replace current commander Fyodor Yurchikhin, who along with Oleg Kotov, will return home with Shukor on the Soyuz after a few days of hand over to the new crew members.

Whitson, 47, said she hoped her command of the $100 billion space station would attract more young women into math, science and engineering.

"I think it's important for young women to see where we're headed in the future and be a part of the exploration as well, so I hope I can serve as a role model," she said.


Source: Reuters

Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM JST
Thursday, 12 July 2007
Topic: - Dr Sheikh

Faiz (kiri) dan Muszaphar (kanan) bergambar bersama angkasawan Rusia, Alexander Skortov pada latihan Winter Survival di Star City Moscow, Rusia.

Calon angkasawan negara tidak kecewa gagal jadi insan serba boleh seperti diimpikan.

"ANDA boleh minta buat apa saja, tetapi jangan suruh saya menyanyi. Saya tak boleh langsung. Mungkin sudah takdir, saya tidak dianugerahkan kebolehan dalam bidang ini." Itu antara kata-kata calon angkasawan negara, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha ketika penulis bersembang dengannya di sebuah restoran di Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur baru-baru ini.

"Tak tahu kenapa, tetapi memang tak boleh," katanya sambil ketawa apabila penulis bertanyakan sama ada dia boleh menyanyi kerana ketika di angkasa nanti dia pasti akan sunyi.

Ini kerana menyanyi mungkin terapi terbaik sebagai pengubat rindu, sekiranya terpilih kerana pada hari dia bakal menjejakkan kaki di Stesen Angkasa Lepas Antarabangsa (ISS), masyarakat Islam sedang seronok merayakan Aidilfitri.

Memakai pakaian serba gelap, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar atau lebih mesra dipanggil Mus, ketika memulakan bicara bagaimanapun menganggap keadaan itu bukan penghalang kepadanya untuk muncul sebagai rakyat Malaysia pertama menjadi angkasawan.

Anak kelahiran Seremban ini sebenarnya sudah bersedia sejak dulu untuk memikul tanggungjawab besar itu. Bukan saja dari segi mental dan fizikal, malah hampir dari segenap aspek bagi memenuhi syarat untuk mendapat gelaran keramat itu.

"Sejak kecil lagi, sebolehnya saya ingin jadi manusia serba boleh. Sebab itu, apa saja bidang yang saya ceburi, saya akan lakukan sebaik mungkin kerana percaya boleh melakukannya jika ada keinginan dan kesungguhan."

"Malah moto yang saya pegang sejak kecil iaitu what mind believes, the body can achieves, masih saya pegang dan amalkan sehingga ini. Ia menjadi pendorong kepada apa juga kejayaan saya capai pada hari ini," katanya.

Mus yang bakal menyambut ulang tahun kelahiran ke-35 pada 26 Julai ini juga mengakui didikan dan sokongan keluarga banyak menyumbang kepada kejayaannya pada hari ini, termasuk berjaya menjadi antara dua calon terakhir angkasawan negara.

Ketika masih di sekolah rendah, beliau berjaya muncul juara pidato dan bercerita peringkat Negeri Sembilan, selain mewakili negara dalam sukan renang pada usia 12 tahun.

Ketika belajar di Maktab Rendah Sains Mara (MRSM) Muar, beliau juga cemerlang dalam sukan bola tampar dan tenis selain berpidato. Kecemerlangannya itu diteruskan apabila menyambung pengajian dalam bidang kedoktoran di India.

"Malah kerjaya sebagai doktor ini juga hasil sokongan bapa, Sheikh Mustapha dan ibu, Zuraida Sheikh Ahmad," katanya yang turut menjadi ketua murid ketika darjah enam di Sekolah Rendah St Paul, Seremban.

Mengimbas minatnya menjadi angkasawan, Mus berkata, ia bercambah ketika usianya mencecah 10 tahun selepas membaca kejayaan angkasawan Amerika Syarikat, Neil Amstrong dan Yuri Gagarin dari Russia menjejakkan kaki ke bulan.

Sejak hari itu, apabila ada kelapangan, dia sering menatap langit pada waktu malam sambil memasang impian menuruti jejak kedua-dua angkasawan berkenaan.

Bagaimanapun, dia sedar impian menggunung itu tidak akan kesampaian kerana kerajaan Malaysia masih belum mempunyai program ke angkasa. Namun, ia tidak pernah mematikan semangat anak muda berwajah tampan ini.

"Saya cukup saya seronok dan sangat bersyukur kepada Allah SWT apabila kerajaan mengumumkan cadangan untuk menghantar angkasawan dua tahun lalu. Malah bukan saya saja yang memohon, abang saya, Sheikh Ahmad, 37, dan adik, Sheikh Arwiz, 37 turut sama," katanya.

Bagi menggambarkan betapa dia benar-benar serius mengejar impian menjadi angkasawan pertama negara, Mus tidak berdiam diri sebaik menghantar borang permohonan.

Sepanjang menunggu balasan bagi mengetahui keputusan, beliau sudah mempersiapkan diri terutama dari segi fizikal dan mental. Antara pengorbanan yang terpaksa dilakukan ialah menghilangkan berat badan kira-kira 15 kilogram.

Aktiviti paling kerap dilakukannya ialah berjoging di sekitar Bangsar pada jam 2 pagi selepas balik dari bekerja di Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (HUKM). Ketika itu, masa lapangnya terlalu singkat.

Nyata menyebelahi pakar perubatan bidang ortopedik ini, apabila bukan saja terpilih, malah berjaya melepasi semua rintangan dan akhirnya menjadi dua calon terakhir bersama Kapten Dr Faiz Khaleed.

"Saya akui tanggungjawab yang bakal dipikul sebagai angkasawan pertama negara berat, namun ia bukan penghalang kepada saya. Saya akan melakukan yang terbaik untuk terpilih sepanjang proses pemilihan."

"Sekiranya saya terpilih, ini adalah untuk rakyat dan negara ini," katanya.

Apa yang pasti, Mus yang turut berkecimpung dalam bidang perniagaan melalui Restoran Rebung tidak akan berasa sunyi ketika berada di angkasa kerana sudah memiliki kelab peminat sendiri yang bakal mendoakan kejayaannya.

Beliau turut menitipkan alamat e-melnya iaitu dr_sheikh_muszaphar@yahoogroups.com dan berharap rakyat Malaysia akan memberi sokongan kepadanya.


  • Nama: Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor Sheikh Mustapha
  • Tarikh Lahir: 26 Julai 1972
  • Umur: 34 tahun
  • Asal: Seremban
  • Status: Bujang
  • Jawatan: Pensyarah /Pakar Ortopedik Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
  • Adik beradik: Anak ketiga (lima beradik)
  • Pendidikan:
    - Sekolah Kebangsaan St Paul, Seremban (darjah 1-6)
    - Maktab Rendah Sains Mara Muar (tingkatan 1-5)
    - Kolej Perubatan Kasturba (KMC), Manipal, India (MBBS)
    - Hospital Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (Sarjana Ortopedik)
  • Aktiviti sukarela:
    - Membantu mewujudkan sebuah hospital di Afghanistan bersama Mercy pada 2002
    - Menyertai program kemanusiaan bersama Mercy di Kemboja pada 2003.

    Source: Berita Harian Online

    Site Editor's Note: Umur adik Dr Sheikh, Sheikh Arwiz, adalah 28 tahun, bukan 37 tahun seperti yg ditulis dalam artikel ini.

    Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM JST
    Friday, 5 January 2007
    Topic: - Dr Sheikh


    IKON BELIA: Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohamad Hasan (kanan) bersalaman dengan calon angkasawan Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor ketika calon angkasawan itu melakukan kunjungan hormat ke atas Menteri Besar di Wisma Umno. - FOTO: HAMZAH MD SOM

    SEREMBAN: Calon angkasawan negara, Dr Sheikh Muszaphar Shukor akan dijadikan "model ikutan" rakyat Negeri Sembilan terutama para belia setelah beliau tamat menjalani program angkasawan pertama negara kelak.

    Menteri Besar Negeri Sembilan Datuk Seri Mohamad Hassan berkata pemilihan Sheikh Muszaphar yang berasal dari Negeri Sembilan sebagai calon angkasawan negara merupakan sesuatu yang amat dibanggakan oleh kerajaan serta rakyat negeri ini.

    "Justeru apabila tamat menjalani program itu nanti, saya akan meminta persetujuan beliau (Dr Sheikh Muszaphar) agar dapat menjadi model ikutan kepada rakyat negeri ini serta menjadi ikon kepada golongan belia.

    "Ia terutama supaya golongan belia dapat mencontohi semangat dan keazaman calon angkasawan negara itu dalam mencapai cita-citanya," kata beliau ketika dikunjungi oleh Dr Sheikh Muszaphar di bangunan Umno di sini. Turut hadir, ibu bapa Sheikh Muszaphar iaitu Sheikh Mustapha Shukor dan Zuraidah Sheikh Ahmad.

    Sheikh Muszaphar dan seorang lagi calon angkasawan, Kapten Dr Faiz Khaleed tiba di tanah air 30 Dis lepas sempena sambutan Hari Raya Aidiladha dan tahun baru 2007, setelah diberikan pelepasan selama 10 hari oleh Agensi Angkasa Persekutuan Rusia (Roskosmos).

    Mereka akan berlepas ke Moscow 8 Jan ini bagi menyambung latihan.

    Mereka kini mengikuti latihan 12 bulan di Pusat Latihan Angkasawan Yuri Gagarin, Star City di Moscow sejak 9 Okt lepas. Salah seorang daripada mereka akan mengikuti kapal angkasa Rusia ke Stesen Angkasa Antarabangsa (ISS).

    Sheikh Muszaphar berkata kehadiran mereka kini dapat diterima dengan baik oleh para jurulatih setelah dapat menguasai bahasa Rusia dengan cekap.

    "Kami menjalani segala latihan yang diberikan dengan bersungguh-sungguh dan sentiasa bersikap positif dengan melakukan yang terbaik bagi meningkatkan pengetahuan serta keupayaan kami," katanya dan menambah bahawa mereka akan menjalani latihan yang lebih mencabar apabila kembali menyambung latihan nanti.

    Sheikh Muszaphar berkata mereka akan menjalani latihan ikhtiar hidup di gurun Siberia yang terkenal sebagai sebuah kawasan tandus tanpa kehidupan serta suhu yang terlampau sejuk.

    Beliau yang kelihatan ceria berkata cuti itu akan digunakan untuk bersama-sama keluarga sebelum bersedia menghadapi latihan yang lebih mencabar.

    Penghantaran angkasawan pertama negara dengan kos RM95 juta merupakan sebahagian daripada program bagi mengimbangi perolehan 18 jet pejuang Sukhoi SU-30 MKM dari Rusia yang ditandatangani pada 5 Ogos 2003.

    Menerusi program berkenaan, angkasawan Malaysia akan menjalani program penyelidikan dan pembangunan (R&D) di ISS yang terletak kira-kira 402.34 km dari permukaan bumi, selama lapan hari.


    Source: Bernama.com

    Posted by site editor at 12:01 AM WST

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